Current Trends and Future Directions for Digital Imaging in Libraries and Archives was a one-day workshop on JPEG2000 organized by the Wellcome Library and the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC). The event took place on the 10th November 2014 at the Wellcome Trust in London and brought together a range of specialist practitioners with experience of JP2K for digital libraries and digital archives.

The workshop examined current and emerging practice with JPEG2000 and sought to enable a debate about future directions for the format. There were a number of case studies and presentations of tools and JP2K workflows with consideration given to how these developments can inform and extend preservation practice for image archives, digital photography and digitization.
The programme included talks from the Wellcome Library itself, Oxford University’s Bodleian library, the National Library of the Netherlands and the British Library. And the results of a JPEG2000 use survey in the cultural heritage sector.
In addition, there were presentations on tools including the JPEG2000 validation tool jpylyzer, the Goobi library workflow system and a presentation on the status of OpenJPEG, the principal open source JPEG2000 implementation today. And, of course, there was a presentation on IIPImage.
The IIPImage server has had support for JPEG2000 since version 0.9.9 of the server and it is already used for JPEG2000 by a number of major libraries including the Wellcome Library, Oxford University’s Bodleian Library, the French National Library (the BNF) and several university research libraries. The IIPImage talk was entitled IIPImage and a Performance Analysis of JPEG2000 Encoding Parameters, which looked at IIPImage itself, case studies of IIPImage use and some live demos showing some advanced uses of IIPImage. The presentation also looked at how to optimize JPEG2000 encoding parameters, showing the results of a preliminary study on how code block, precinct and tile size affect the resulting JPEG2000 file size, the encoding time and crucially, the time to decode a region, which is a key criteria for image servers such as IIPImage. A more detailed look at these results will be the subject of a future post.
The programme of the event and the various presentations are available from the Digital Preservation Coalition page for the event and the IIPImage presentation is available below: