Here are a set of demos showing IIPImage in action. The IIPImage server can be used with any compatible IIP, IIIF, Deepzoom or Zoomify viewer. Here are a selection of examples of IIPImage in action showing how it can be used for ultra-high resolution imagery, for multi-modal imaging and using different APIs.
Ultra High Resolution Imaging
Example using iipmooviewer to visualize the massive ultra-high resolution image of Blue Marble, Next Generation (86400 x 43200 pixels, RGB, 10.7GB uncompressed TIFF) courtesy of Visible Earth and the NASA Earth Observatory Team. © 2005 NASA.
Multi-Modal Image Comparison
High resolution multi-modal imaging of Van Gogh’s The Bedroom at Arles featuring a fully calibrated 176 megapixel color rendering and 11 other registered imaging modalities. The interface allows interactive comparison and blending between any 2 image modalities. Images © 2010 C2RMF
Interactive Web Exhibition
IIPImage powered interactive online web application created for a special exhibition organized by the Louvre Museum and the City of Milan featuring the painting of Saint John the Baptist by Leonardo da Vinci. The online application allows the user to compare different imaging modalities and explore in unprecedented detail the high resolution scientific photography of the painting. Images © C2RMF
IIIF Compatibility
This painting by Raphael and his pupil Gianfrancesco Penni entitled Madonna with the Blue Diadem (1510-1511, oil on panel, 68.0 x 48.5 cm, musée du Louvre) was scanned in ultra high resolution at almost 600dpi (23 pixels/mm) at the C2RMF resulting in a stunning 11539×16236 pixel (187 mega pixels) color calibrated image. The viewer here uses the IIIF API. Image © 2010 C2RMF
Multispectral Visualization
IIPMooViewer 2.0 based advanced multispectral visualization and image blending application showing an anonymous 16th Century painting entitled “The Lady Praying”. The application shows the spectral reflectance curve at each point and allows the user to blend between colour, raking light, infra-red, ultra-violet and X-ray images.
Dynamic Watermarking
Example showcasing the dynamic watermarking feature. A watermark image can be applied on-the-fly by the server to each individual image tile without requiring any modification to the original source image. The opacity and probability distribution of this watermark can also be configured in the server. Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech: Cassini during Saturn Orbit Insertion, 14400 x 9600 pixels.
Terabyte Scale Imaging
This demo features the Visiomatic client and a 1TB TIFF containing a 256 gigapixel 32 bit per channel floating point image. The interface allows you to not only instantly zoom and navigate within the 1TB of data, but also to dynamically generate color maps, modify the gamma, invert the data and set minimum and maximum cuts. See this post for more details
The OpenSeaDragon viewer supports the IIIF, Zoomify and Deepzoom protocols, which are all supported by the IIPImage server. This demo features a 29566 x 14321 pixel Hubble telescope image of star birth in the Carina Nebula and uses Deepzoom as the image tile protocol. Image © NASA, ESA, N. Smith (University of California, Berkeley), and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Leaflet & OME-TIFF
96999 x 45667 pixel whole-slide multi-resolution pyramid OME-TIFF image consisting of a single color image. Image converted from Aperio svs format into OME-TIFF with SubIFDs. See this blog post for more details on OME-TIFF support in IIPImage
See the Links page to see a selection of examples showing IIPImage in use elsewhere around the Internet.