IIPMooViewer now on Github

In preparation for the imminent full release of version 2.0, I’ve moved the IIPMooViewer code to Github. You can check out the repository here https://github.com/ruven/iipmooviewer

New features since the beta release include:

  • Javascript Fullscreen API support
  • Scalable SVG icons
  • Improved window resizing
  • Localization support
  • Plenty of bug fixes and improved ergonomy

The code is also now a little more modular, allowing you to build a final minified file including only the protocols and localization you require using the Closure compiler.  The default minified version was built using the following command:

java -jar /path/to/compiler.jar --js src/protocols/iip.js src/protocols/zoomify.js
     src/protocols/deepzoom.js src/iipmooviewer-2.0.js src/lang/help.en.js
     --compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATION
     --js_output_file javascript/iipmooviewer-2.0-compressed.js

So, check it out and get testing!