JPEG2000 Support

The latest development code in the IIPImage server subversion repository now includes JPEG2000 support. You can now stream high resolution JPEG2000 as well as TIFF images directly through the IIPImage server. Here is a cool demo example showing a JPEG2000 image streamed directly to an OpenZoom flash client. Several examples using various other clients are available at Old Maps Online, together with information on image generation, options and other related JPEG2000 documentation.

JPEG2000 decoding is done via the high performance Kakadu library. Unfortunately this is not open source.  The open source JPEG2000 libraries currently available such as OpenJPEG and Jasper are just not yet fast, stable or scalable enough to handle the kind of large images IIPImage is used for. Thus, we have reluctantly decided to use Kakadu as an interim solution until a suitable open source decoder implementation is available.

The use of Kakadu means that to compile the source yourself, you will need to purchase a license for access to the Kakadu source code. Alternatively, snapshot 32bit and 64bit binary packages of IIPImage with JPEG2000 for Debian, Ubuntu and other Debian-based Linux distributions are available from our friends at Old Maps Online, together with installation instructions. The use of these binaries are for non-commercial use only.

Development was carried out in conjunction with Old Maps Online thanks to a Moravian Library in Brno R&D grant from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. See also their official press release. Special thanks also to Klokan for his help and co-ordination efforts!